The European Water Framework Directive requires that rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters, and groundwater achieve “good status” by the year 2027 at the latest. The European Union has provided a clear timetable as well as three six-year management cycles for Member States to achieve that goal. This brochure presents the results from the first management period, shows the development since the year 2009 and provides an outlook on the beginning second management period. What status do our water bodies have today? What progress has been achieved in past years? What measures will be implemented in future? Who is supposed to carry them out and what will they cost?

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Jens Arle, Corinna Baumgarten, Katrin Blondzik, Dietrich Borchardt, Falk Hilliges, Cindy Mathan, Stephan Naumann, Dirk Osiek, Jörg Rechenberg, Ursula Schmedtje, Antje Ullrich, Andrea Weiß, Rüdiger Wolter
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