Cover Texte 37/2015 Updating the Land Use and Land Cover Database CLC for the Year 2012 - „Backdating“of DLM-DE from the Reference Year 2009 to the Year 2006
Soil | Land

Updating the Land Use and Land Cover Database CLC for the Year 2012 - „Backdating“of DLM-DE from the Reference Year 2009 to the Year 2006

For the update of land cover according to CORINE Land Cover classes, a specific national approach has been chosen in Germany. This approach uses a more accurate geometry of the Official Topographical Cartographic Information System ATKIS of the land survey authorities. DLM-DE, derived from ATKIS, is to be applied as base for the deduction of CLC classes. In the responsibility of the German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), the DLM-DE 2009 database was built-up for the reference year 2009 with a minimum mapping unit (MMU) of 1 ha. Currently, an updated DLM-DE 2012 database is established by BKG; using methods of generalization this database will be transferred into the CLC2012 database (CORINE Land Cover 2012, having 25 ha MMU due to the EU specifications).

Texte | 37/2015
Number of pages
Year of publication
Manfred Keil, Thomas Esch, Andreas Divanis, Mattia Marconcini, Annekatrin Metz, Marco Ottinger, Sergey Voinov, Michael Wiesner, Michael Wurm, Julian Zeidler
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3712 12 282
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 updating  backdating  CORINE Land Cover  land use