Cover of publication Climate Change 28/2021 The challenges of assessing "collective progress": Design options for an effective Global Stocktake process under the UNFCCC
Climate | Energy

The Challenges of Assessing “Collective Progress”

Design Options for an effective Global Stocktake process under the UNFCCC

The Paris Agreement combines collective goals with individual countries’ contributions. This hybrid approach does not guarantee that the individual contributions add up to what is required to meet the collective goals. The Paris Agreement therefore established the Global Stocktake. Its task is to “assess collective progress” towards achieving the long-term goals of the agreement as of 2023 and every five years thereafter. Corresponding to this role, this report addresses three questions:

  • What should an effective Global Stocktake look like?
  • What information and data are needed?
  • Is it possible to execute an effective Global Stocktake within the mandate of the Paris Agreement?
Climate Change | 28/2021
Number of pages
Year of publication
Louise Jeffery, Anne Siemons, Hannah Förster, Christian Nissen, Nico Kreibich, Lukas Hermwille
Project No. (FKZ)
3717 18 103 0
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