In this study commissioned by the German Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, UBA), Öko-Institute - with expert advice by Umicore Precious Metals Refining - analysed the export of used vehicles and electrical and electronic goods from Germany. This latest research project is based on the former study “Materials Flow of Platinum Group Metals” [PGM 2005]. Herein it was stated that an enormous amount of platinum group metals (PGM) leaves Germany by export of used goods and thus PGM are not available for the German recycling industry. A first draft estimation showed that due to these export streams a relevant amount of PGM is lost for recycling, because in the main destination countries a functioning recycling infrastructure does not exist. Littering and diffused losses of secondary resources (especially platinum, palladium and rhodium from automotive catalysts) are the non-sustainable reality in many destination countries, today.
Economy | Consumption
Optimization of Precious Metals Recycling: Analysis of Exports of Used Vehicles and Used Electrical and Electronic Devices at Hamburg Port
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Year of publication
Dr. Matthias Buchert, Andreas Hermann, Dr. Wolfgang Jenseit, Dr. Hartmut Stahl, Bianca Osyguß, Dr. Christian Hagelüken
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Project No. (FKZ)
363 01 133
File size
419 KB
0,00 €
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