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Methodological Convention 3.1 for the Assessment of Environmental Costs - Value Factors

Version 12/2020

A new version – the „Methodological Convention 3.2” – has been published and contains a partial update of the monetized environmental impacts, based on new value factors for greenhouse gas and air pollutant emissions.

The Methodological Convention 3.1 for the Assessment of Environmental Costs – Value Factors provides value factors for emissions of greenhouse gases, air pollutants, noise, nitrogen and phosphorus, as well as for transport, energy generation, building materials and greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture.

The value factors show the benefit of environmental protection for society – and the costs that society incurs if environmental protection is neglected. The value factors can be used to assess the impacts of laws and public investments, and for the design of economic instruments. In the corporate sector, the cost rates can be used, i.a., to calculate the environmental costs of production and in sustainability reports.

brochure / flyer
Number of pages
Year of publication
Dr. Björn Bünger, Dr. Astrid Matthey
Other languages
German Environment Agency
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2440 KB
0,00 €
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