Cover Texte 80/2014 Innovative techniques: Best available techniques (BAT) in selected industrial areas - Subproject 3 - Foundries Volume 1: BAT candidates
Economy | Consumption

Innovative techniques: Best available techniques (BAT) in selected industrial areas - Subproject 3 - Foundries Vol. 1

Volume 1: BAT candidates

Based on the Directive on Industrial Emissions (IED, which replaced Directive 2008/01/EC) an information exchange about Best Available Techniques (BAT) between industry, Member States and Environmental NGO is organised by the European Commission for industry sectors mentioned in Annex 1 of the IED. It was intended to start drafting and updating the BAT documents on foundries in 2012. Due to delays it is expected that the starting date is 2016. It is seen as important to provide substantiated contributions to reflect the high standard of techniques in German foundries in that international document. Therefor new developments and the available information about BAT had to be investigated and documented. The elaboration of the German contributions has been managed by the German EPA (UBA). The objective of the project performed by Ökopol GmbH, Hamburg, and by the Institute on Foundry Technology gGmbH, Düsseldorf has been to elaborate the basis for the German contributions to the document on BAT in foundries.

Texte | 80/2014
Number of pages
Year of publication
Knut Sander, Horst Wolff
Project No. (FKZ)
3710 44 316 / TV 03
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 best available techniques  foundries