Cover of publication TEXTE 09/2020 Influence of the service life of products in terms of their environmental impact: Establishing an information base and developing strategies against "obsolescence"
Economy | Consumption

Influence of the service life of products in terms of their environmental impact: Establishing an information base and developing strategies against "obsolescence"

The aim of the study is to create a sound data basis for describing and assessing the phenomenon of obsolescence and the trends in achieved product lifespan and service life and, based on this, to develop strategies against obsolescence. The results show that electrical and electronic equipment is being replaced for many reasons. Material, functional, psychological and economic forms of obsolescence interact and create a highly complex pattern. Even the causes of material obsolescence are usually very diverse and do not allow an overarching conclusion. The analysis also confirms that the first useful service-life of most of the product groups investigated has decreased in recent years.

Texte | 09/2020
Number of pages
Year of publication
Siddharth Prakash, Günther Dehoust, Martin Gsell, Tobias Schleicher, Prof. Dr. Rainer Stamminger
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Project No. (FKZ)
3713 32 315
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