This project on the tightening up of noise limits for civil jet aircraft has the objective, based on the insights of a status-quo analysis, of preparing proposals for updating Annex 16 and of undertaking an assessment of proposals for new (more stringent) noise limits, bearing in mind aspects of environmental protection as well as from a technical, legal and economic point of view. Recommendations on the methodical and technical modification of existing rules and regulations as well as on the appropriate scale of further more stringent noise limits are seen as a further development of noisecertification. Knowledge derived from Chapters 2 to 6 of this report provides the basis for this.
Increased stringency of noise limits for civil jet aircraft with emphasis on the trade-off between noise and pollutant emissions of jet engines
- Final Report -
Number of pages
Year of publication
Henning Arps, Andreas Hermann, Dr. Wiebke Zimmer, Dr. Walter Krebs, Dr. Stefan Donnerhack, Fritz Kennepohl, Hartmut Kuhfeld
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Project No. (FKZ)
202 54 131
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2658 KB
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