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Climate | Energy

Greenhouse gas emission distributions

Informing the Global Stocktake (2021-2023)

The Global Stocktake, a key component of the Paris Agreement’s ratchet mechanism, assesses global progress every five years with the goal of informing countries’ NDC updates. The analysis demonstrates how global progress across a range of sectoral emission indicators can be assessed using performance distributions to allow for a detailed and nuanced analysis without singling out individual countries. It demonstrates possible use cases, and present some initial insights, using trends in sectoral GHG emissions per capita. The display as a performance distribution can be used to understand the spread in changes across countries, to explore progress over time, and to demonstrate what rates of decarbonisation are possible.

Climate Change | 07/2023
Number of pages
Year of publication
Leonardo Nascimento, Eduardo Posada, Louise Jeffery, Lorenz Moosmann
Project No. (FKZ)
3721 41 507 0
German Environment Agency
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