Our paper first outlines the delimitation of environmental employment used in these studies, relating it to Eurostat’s CEPA and CReMA classifications. It then describes the approaches used to estimate environmental employment. Environmental employment originating from the production of environmental goods is estimated by a demand side approach based on environmental protection expenditure using Input-Output techniques. Environmental employment stemming from the provision of services is quantified by a supply side approach based on a large number of data sources on employment in establishments offering services which are beneficial for the environment. The paper explains which dimensions of environmental employment are presented in the above mentioned studies and concludes with some reflections on additional dimensions which may be of interest in further studies.
Economy | Consumption
Estimating Gross Employment Effects of Environmental Protection
A Combined Demand-Supply Side Approach
Umwelt, Innovation, Beschäftigung | 01/2015
Number of pages
Year of publication
Jürgen Blazejczak, Dietmar Edler
Project No. (FKZ)
3711 14 101
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