This short paper offers practical measures that could help to reduce the consumption of oil and gas as quickly as possible in order to secure the country’s energy supply, relieve the burden on consumers and at the same time contribute to combating climate change and enhancing sustainability. Chapter 3 in particular focuses on short-term measures that can easily be carried out within a few weeks and therefore before next winter. This is supplemented by a summary of existing German Environment Agency (UBA) proposals in Chapter 4, which outlines the next steps for accelerating the sustainability transformation.

Climate | Energy, Economy | Consumption, Transport
Coping with the Energy Crisis through Efficiency and Sufficiency
Policy recommendations for easing oil and gas supply tensions in Germany
Texte | 161/2022
Number of pages
Year of publication
Eric Fee, Franziska Wehinger, Jens Schuberth, Manuel Hendzlik, Philipp Hölting
Other languages
German Environment Agency
File size
429 KB
0,00 €
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