On behalf of the Federal Office for Environment Protection, the Research Association of the German Glass Industry (HVG) elaborated a German contribution to the revision of the BAT guideline for the glass industry beginning in 2007. The major objective of the project was to investigate and document by means of reference plants the best available techniques of the glass industry in the field of the environmental control. As a basis for the project management, a questionnaire was prepared that allowed the recording of all emission relevant data, showed detailed investment and operating costs of the used environmental control measures and considered the fields of wastes and wastewater.
Economy | Consumption
BAT determination in selected industrial fields as a contribution to the fulfilment of the climate protection targets and further immission control legal requirements
Partial Project 02: German contribution to the Review of the Reference Document on Best Available Techniques in the Glass Manufacturing Industry
Number of pages
Year of publication
Karlheinz Gitzhofer
Other languages
Project No. (FKZ)
205 44 324/02
File size
958 KB
0,00 €
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