Working to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality at the German Environment Agency
New environmental statement: UBA wants to lead the way as a low-carbon agency

Source: Umweltbundesamt
By 2030 the German Environment Agency (UBA) aims to cut its CO2 emissions by 70 per cent, double its production of renewable energy and reduce the emissions from its car fleet to zero. “We seek to be pioneers on the path to becoming a greenhouse neutral agency and identify the actual ways to do so,” says UBA’s President Maria Krautzberger of the initiative. Whether it is the construction of plus-energy buildings, cutting the numbers in the vehicle fleet, more electric mobility, less meat served at the office canteen, or procurement of supplies that bear the Blue Angel ecolabel, UBA aims to show how public authorities can take action for the sake of the climate. “Climate action must be about more than merely replacing technical infrastructure: climate-friendly action must become an established part of the work we do, for example when on business trips or in procurement,” said Ms Krautzberger.