Technology to marvel at - and it’s easy on the climate and resources, too!
UBA and Blue Angel eco-label at the International consumer electronics trade fair
The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) is calling upon producers of electrical and electronic equipment to further boost the energy efficiency of televisions, washing machines and computers. “Consumers must be able to really trust that products have as high a degree of energy efficiency as possible, which is precisely why rigorous standards applicable to all equipment for sale is so important”, said UBA President Jochen Flasbarth upon the launch of the IFA Consumer Electronics Unlimited trade fair on 2 September 2011 in Berlin. Flasbarth alluded to new regulations in the EU Ecodesign Directive and the EU Energy Labelling Directive. They entail that, as of 30 November 2011, the energy consumption of TVs will finally be marked on the product, whereas enforcing similar labelling for computers has been debated unsuccessfully for years. “Everyone can easily make out the energy consumption of washing machines or dishwashers according to energy class on the machine itself. I fail to see why this crucial consumer information is still missing on computers and other IT equipment”, said Flasbarth. “The European Commission must move to establish minimum standards of energy efficiency in this regard.“