Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks said: "The entries cover everything from small objects such as simple LED spots to grand visions of building with trees. We need this wealth of ideas to make our production and consumption behaviour more sustainable."
Maria Krautzberger, President of the German Environment Agency, said: "It is especially gratifying to distinguish two outstanding products in the Service category this year. Besides sustainable design of products, the well thought out service solutions provide a crucial starting point for resource-efficient, sustainable consumption.”
Some 200 guests from government, industry, science and the field of design have been invited to be attend the award ceremony at the Federal Environment Ministry in Berlin.
The Federal Ministry for Environment and the German Environment Agency have announced the annual German Ecodesign Award Since 2012 (German: Bundespreis Ecodesign). The competition rewards innovative, ecological and excellent design in the four categories “Product”, “Service”, “Concept”, and “Young Design”. The contest is aimed at companies of all sizes and from all sectors. The International Design Center Berlin (IDZ) carries out the competition. A touring exhibition of all the nominated projects and award winners of the 2017 German Ecodesign Award starts in January 2018. The first stop is at the Museum Information Kunst (MIK) in Ludwigsburg. The next opportunity to submit projects for the 2018 German Ecodesign Award starts on 15 January 2018.
Prize winners of 2017
Category "Product"
- Dishwasher G 6000 EcoFlex, Miele & Cie. KG. The heat storage technology in this largely recyclable dishwasher saves more energy than conventional appliances. Movie clip
- LED spot C1-mini-HC, corporate friends®. This flexible lighting solution for showcases in museums or shop windows is mounted using magnets and offers optimal lighting. Movie clip
- Natascha von Hirschhausen – Design. Fashion. Ethics. Special patterns reduce the waste of this fashion collection made in Berlin, sustainably and on special order only. Movie clip
Category "Service"
- Nationwide comparison portal for repair solutions, kaputt.de GmbH. The comparison portal features both do-it-yourself and third-party servicing solutions for broken mobile phones, thereby helping to extend the device’s service life. More types of equipment are being added. Movie clip
- Too Good To Go – Teller statt Tonne [On the plate, not in the bin]. An app that lets consumers buy leftover food from restaurants and collect their meal one hour before the establishment closes. Movie clip
Category "Concept"
Category "Young Design"
- DfC x JNJ Curated Circularity – Designed for Infinity, Design for Circularity, Ina Budde for JAN’N JUNE. The fashion collection was created with the help of the EXTENDED CLOSED LOOP platform which enables the design of recyclable and reusable clothing. Movie clip
- Werner Aisslinger (product designer)
- Prof. Anna Berkenbusch (communications designer, Professor at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle)
- Andreas Detzel (environmental expert, ifeu Heidelberg)
- Prof. Matthias Held (product designer, Professor at the University of Design Schwäbisch Gmünd)
- Dr. Thomas Holzmann (Vice-President, German Environment Agency)
- Prof. em. Günter Horntrich (product designer, Professor (em.) for Design and Ecology at KISD)
- Dr. Claudia Perren (architect, Director of Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
- Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter (Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Environment)
- Prof. Friederike von Wedel-Parlow (fashion designer, Founder, Beneficial Design Institute)
More information about the prize winners/nominees and the jury are here: bundespreis-ecodesign.de/de/wettbewerb/2017