Proactive noise protection saves money and trouble
Traffic noise remains serious environmental problem
Road traffic remains the greatest source of noise, according to the latest noise survey by the Federal Environment Agency, which polled 70,000 participants. The survey says that road traffic noise and aviation noise are the most annoying. "Efforts to protect the public from traffic noise are not yet adequate in Germany. There are still too many people who suffer from excessive noise levels. There is much work ahead in the area of noise protection,” said UBA President Jochen Flasbarth ahead of International Noise Awareness Day on 27 April 27.04.2011. Noise increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Through transposition of the EU Environmental Noise Directive into German law, municipalities have been responsible for drawing up noise action plans since 2005. The results of the UBA survey have affirmed how necessary this is. Since noise incurs billions in damages to the national economy, noise abatement measures can save a lot of money.