Joint press release with the German Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM) and the Acquisition Office of the Federal Ministry of the Interior
New Internet portal to provide public authorities guidance in purchasing computers
Public-private cooperation in IT and communications technology purchasing
Public authorities and offices must adhere to complicated regulations when purchasing modern technology. European and German law prohibit identification of brand names in public tenders. This becomes especially tricky when ordering IT and communications technology since brand-name products are often desired. There is now a solution provided by a new online portal, which is a Berlin-based venture launched with the help of public funds and BITKOM. The portal provides purchasing officials with reliable, comprehensible, and up-to-date information about non-proprietary acquisition of information and communications technology. It is a source of information for more than just public administration; purchasers from the private sector can also make use of it. ”This future-oriented project will make acquisition of IT and communications technology much easier”, said Prof. August-Wilhelm Scheer, President of the high-tech association BITKOM. ”Moreover, it provides purchasers with legal assurance.”