Joint press release with the Environmental Label Jury and Systaic AG
Giving sun this Christmas and protecting the environment
Solar products with the ”Blue Angel” save energy costs: Exhibition at the ENERGYDESIGN CENTER in Berlin
Solar power is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly source of energy. Be it watches, pocket calculators, milk frothers or lighting systems for house numbers: Products showing the German environmental label ”Blue Angel” that run without batteries or power sockets give a good example of how forward-looking solar technology can also be effectively applied in the home. Using solar energy not only protects our natural resources - it will also save you money. To provide consumers with tips and incentives on purchasing innovative solar products - also labeled with the Blue Engel - Systaic AG, the Environmental Label Jury and the German Federal Environment Agency have organized an exhibition showing solar everyday products. The event will run during the Christmas season at the ENERGYDESIGN CENTER in Berlin.