Expert group: New housing creation campaign must become greener
Commission for Sustainable Building presents proposals for climate-friendly building and future-proof urban development
The Commission for Sustainable Building (KNBau) at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has issued a plea to the federal government, the Länder governments and local authorities to establish greener standards in the campaign to create new housing. “This is a unique opportunity to anchor climate-friendly building and future-proof urban development on a broad basis and to make up for lacking measures to protect the climate in the building sector in the past with adapted KfW programmes for energy-efficient construction and retrofitting,” said Dr. Burkhard Schulze Darup, deputy chair of KNBau. He warned against establishing outdated standards, for example in the draft German Energy Act for Buildings (GEG). The KNBau is an advisory body to UBA consisting of external experts from science, administration and practice. The Commission is independent and is not bound by instructions from UBA.