Complete update of digital environmental encyclopaedia
New links and information on newest legislation on environmental data website
The popular research portal “Daten zur Umwelt“ has undergone a comprehensive revamp. The interested public will find answers to all the critical environmental questions such as ‘How clean is the air we breathe?’; ‘How polluted are Germany’s rivers and lakes?’; ‘Does transport still have the same environmental impact that it did 10 years ago?’ Background information about relevant laws and environmental policy goals are just a click away. An abundance of diagrams and tables illustrate the decrease of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany or the negative effects of traffic noise on people. “’Environmental Data’ (Daten zur Umwelt) represents the main door to environmental topics“, says Federal Environment Agency President Jochen Flasbarth. “The general public can access sound information about environmental protection in Germany here.“ The website also lists suggested reading and links to additional sources of information.