Joint press release by the German Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

BMU and UBA launch National Sustainable Urban Logistics Contest

Wanted: Innovative ideas for environmental protection and climate action in cities

Ein Lieferwagen fährt bei Dunkelheit durch eine Stadt.Click to enlarge
Delivery vans are noisy and emit pollutants and greenhouse gases.
Source: m.mphoto /

Delivery traffic in cities is still on the rise and burdens the environment. Carrier bicycles, electric vehicles and small decentralized logistics sites can help to ensure greater protection of the environment and climate. The Federal Environment Ministry and the German Environment Agency have jointly launched a nationwide contest for sustainable urban logistics to raise awareness of these solutions and to create the incentive for new innovative ideas.

Federal Minister for Environment Svenja Schulze said: "Proactive climate action and the improvement of quality of life are two challenges which cities must take on. By promoting electric delivery vehicles in the "Saubere Luft" [Clean Air] immediate action programme we are helping local authorities to accomplish these tasks. The national contest on urban logistics is a way for us to tap new potential in rethinking urban logistics."

President Maria Krautzberger of the German Environment Agency said: "Delivery vans with combustion engines cause emissions which damage our climate and health. It is time to make earnest efforts to find solutions to this problem. We are looking forward to the many ideas and projects which will help to supply urban areas with goods and services in an environmentally friendly way over the long term."

Nearly one-fifth of inner-city, traffic-related NO2 emissions are produced by commercial vehicles, many of which deliver goods to residents, shops and businesses. An additional factor to the health damage of their emissions is their noise pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The national Nachhaltige urbane Logistik contest will help to reduce these harmful emissions and incorporate protection of the environment and climate in urban traffic.

Businesses, universities and local authorities are eligible to participate in ongoing projects or to become part of schemes that are yet to be implemented. The bottom line: projects or proposals must make a measurable contribution to the protection of the climate; reduce local emissions; and be sustainable both socially and economically.

The deadline for submission of project proposals is 15 July 2018. The sum of €70,000 in prize money will be awarded to the selected winners. A jury of experts will select the winners at the end of the year.

All the details of the contest are available here:

Umweltbundesamt Hauptsitz

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06844 Dessau-Roßlau

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 sustainable urban mobility  logistics  urban mobility