A healthy start in life
The impact of the environment on infants, unborn children and fertility - new brochure for parents
Unborn children and infants often react differently-- in many cases considerably more sensitively- than do adults or older children to pollutants, radiation or other environmental influences. They are sometimes particularly exposed to the harmful effects of passive smoking or poor indoor air quality. So what can expectant mothers and parents of young children really do to protect their infants and unborn children? Which risks can be easily avoided and where can one go for more help? There is clear advice on topics such as pollutant contamination in the household, the importance of breastfeeding, the quality of baby food, or safe toys in a free brochure titled Start ins Leben - Einflüsse aus der Umwelt auf Säuglinge, ungeborene Kinder und die Fruchtbarkeit [Starting life - environmental influences on infants, unborn children, and fertility]. It has been published jointly by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The brochure was issued in time for the Federal Government’s open house day on 23-24 August 2008.