Public authorities

As Germany’s main environmental agency, we provide government employees with a full range of job related information and resources such as Web content, brochures, and conferences. We also offer concrete recommendations and guidelines on matters such as drinking water quality and indoor air quality. And if you’d like to see the government agency you work for aid the cause of environmental protection and use eco-friendly products and green electricity, then you should have a look at our helpful hints, as well as our specimen RFPs.

News on Waste | Resources and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

WEEE: EU-wide enforcement of producer responsibility

used electrical and electronic equipment like computers and mobile phones

The agencies from nearly 20 EU countries responsible for the enforcement of the European WEEE Directive have formed a network. UBA initiated the constitutional meeting on 7-8 September 2017. The representatives from all participating EU-countries agreed to cooperate more closely in the future in order to prosecute non-compliant producers who trade across borders more effectively. read more

Events on Climate | Energy, Waste | Resources and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Accelerating the Resource Revolution – World Resources Forum 2017

Menschen tauschen sich auf einer Konferenz aus.

Two years after two historic global agreements – the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change – the World Resources Forum Association invites leaders from government, business, research and NGOs to Geneva to talk about how to accelerate the Resource Revolution. How should we manage, coordinate, finance, track progress, and communicate about it? read more

Press release on Climate | Energy and Health

Public health in the course of climate change: Master plan for heat waves

Heruntergelassene Jalousien

High temperatures and heat waves are adding up to public health problems – and the impact of climate change is becoming more noticeable also in Germany. The federal states and local authorities can draft and implement heat wave action plans to protect public health. The German Environment Agency (UBA) has developed a master plan in collaboration with many experts from various disciplines.  read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment