In the context of the EU Green Week 2021, UBA organised a partner event on the need to finally include biocides in Directive 2009/128/EC on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides or similar legislation. Contributions from stakeholders showed the need for regulatory provisions and also highlighted the opportunities this would bring to foster innovation towards sustainability. You can find the presentations that were held during the event below.
Biocides & Directive on the Sustainable Use of Pesticides (Ingrid Nöh, German Environment Agency) Impact of biocides on drinking water resources and waste water (Dr. Claudia Castell-Exner, EurEau) Rodenticides in birds of prey in urban settings (Alexander Badry, Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research & German Environment Agency) Use of anti-fouling paints in the Baltic Sea as sensitive area (Maria Lagerström, Ph.D., Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden) Application techniques and drift during the application of insecticides (Dirk Rautmann, Institute for Application Techniques in Plant Protection, Julius Kühn-Institute, Germany) Functional substitution: expanding the possibilities (Prof. Joel Tickner, Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA) Pest control 4.0 (Håkan Kjellberg, Chair of CEPA WG "Sustainability and Innovation", Anticimex Sweden) Safe and sustainable-by-design rodenticides (Prof. Klaus Kümmerer, Institute of Sustainable Chemistry, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Germany) Proposal for a way forward (Dr. Stefanie Wieck, German Environment Agency)